Roblox Group Rules Template

If you continue to violate the Developer Forum rules after receiving your first strike, you will receive strike Two, which will be accompanied by another warning message and a 5-day ban from the Developer Forum. If you continue to break the rules after this period within 3 months of receiving your second strike, you will receive the third blow. In some cases, serious violations can result in the jump from Strike One and an immediate transition to Strike Two or Strike Three. We have created a table to better explain how violations of the rules are correlated with strikes, which is under the following rules: This is a summary of our forum rules. The full list of rules can be found in this article. If you violate some of the rules of behavior listed below, you will receive a warning message from a member of the Developer Engagement team. This warning comes with a 1-day ban from the developer forum and counts as your first shot – you`ll be told very clearly that this is a strike. If you continue to break the rules within 3 months of the first strike, you will receive strike Two. 4. Disagreements and constructive criticism are welcome, but rude behavior is not.

Offensive or derogatory messages will be deleted. Also note that strikes are carried out on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the team member issuing them. You should not strictly adhere to the table above. Disclaimer: Moderators of this forum have the discretion to edit/edit/remove content that they deem inappropriate. Do not discuss forum moderation actions outside of private messages with forum moderators. 1. This forum is designed to encourage collaboration and communication within the Roblox developer community. All users should be mature and polite. Trolling, fiery and personal attacks will not be tolerated. 8. Do not contribute to the moderation of the developer forum. If you disagree with moderation measures in the forum, discuss them privately with the moderators.

Each response must be meaningful, contribution-based and related to the topic. Don`t repost what others have already said, don`t post memes or one-word messages like „First!” or „Bump,” and make an effort with your posts. Use the „Like” button instead of answering with „Thank you!” or other general expressions. Do not bypass character limit requests with cluttered text. If you`re replying to multiple posts, reply to all posts in a post instead of creating a single post for each post. Don`t bump into duplicate topics or post duplicate topics. 2. There are some things that should stay out of any answer or topic. These include (but are not limited to); Be polite.

Assault and blasphemy directed against other users is not allowed. Personal attacks and trolling are not allowed. Controversial topics such as politics and religion are also not allowed. Blasphemy is not allowed in public sections. Content that is not safe for work, including drugs, alcohol and tobacco, is not allowed. We have a three-stroke cumulative system in the developer forum with increasing penalties ranging from a one-day ban to a permanent withdrawal. More details about the system, including the length and duration of the stroke, can be found here. We have a cumulative three-shot system in the developer forum that defines the durations and types of penalties. Here`s a description of each shot and how you can get it: 10.

In any category except the bulletin board, you cannot post on behalf of non-members of the Developer Forum. Forum categories can be found on the Categories page in the navigation bar. Each category has a pin „About…” » Topic with important information about the category. Selling and trading with direct or proxy access to the Developer Forum is prohibited. You may not create posts on behalf of other users unless expressly permitted in this category. Do not ask others to solicit donations or advertise, and do not ask for Roblox employees for any reason. Please also note that receiving an inappropriate number of feedback messages in a short period of time, especially for the same rule violation, puts you at risk of receiving a warning. This also includes quickly creating posts with little effort. 7. Replies and spam topics will be deleted. Don`t post the same topic repeatedly or repeat the same message in a topic.

Spam includes messages such as „Bump” or „First” that do not contribute to the content of the discussion. If at any time you need help, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact a member of the developer relations team. These include: @DevEngagementTeam 6. The private areas of the forum are mature enough for occasional swearing to be highlighted. That said, don`t scold other members or use sexual/extreme language. 5. Each response must have a meaningful and contributory response. 3. Keep the discussion in the topic (stick to the topic). If you want to edit the topic, create a new topic.

Posts and topics on these topics will be deleted and may result in forum suspensions or complete suspensions. After accumulating a third strike within 3 months of your second warning, you will receive a message informing you of your permanent withdrawal from the Developer Forum. Strike Three is a permanent removal from the forum and may result in moderation actions against your Roblox account depending on the severity of the issue. Be sure to fully open the category or subcategory and read the About topic and any other pinned topic before posting. They describe the purpose of the category and instructions for its use. .

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